Monthly Archives: November 2022

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams

The Investigator Newsletter Volume 14 | Issue 1 & 2 November 25th, 2022 With Black Friday and Cyber Monday being just right aroundthe corner, shoppers need to become aware of the potentialfraudulent threats that might be coming their way. In 2021,approximately $20 billion was spent online between BlackFriday and Cyber Monday. The abundance of budget Read More

Crypto… a Gold Mine or a Maze of Deceit!

The Investigator Newsletter Volume 13 | Issue 2 November 8th, 2022 The Downfall The future of cryptocurrency is still unclear. Although speculations can be made on what cryptocurrency holds for its investors, they must be made aware that crypto trading and cryptocurrencies are still new market niches. Accordingly, it becomes challenging when speculating on investments Read More

Crypto… The Wild West: Is Crypto the Future of Currencies?

The Investigator Newsletter Volume 13 | Issue 1 November 1st, 2022 The Rise The idea of exchanging goods for othergoods has been around for centuries.In historical times, materials such ascommodities or livestock were used asforms of currency while trading.However, these definitions have sincechanged. In recent years, physicalcurrencies like cash and coins havegrown into forms that Read More